artwork for 'I'm Just Fine' by Bnny

Bnny – I’m Just Fine

Back in May last year, we featured Bnny, the recording project of Chicago‘s Jess Viscius. Taken from Everything on Fire Talk Records, single ‘Time Walk’ “outshines its modest runtime through sheer motion,” as we put it. “With skippy guitar and bass propped up by striding drums, the whole thing has a downhill quality, where motion encourages itself as every element clicks into a common direction.”

The track was indicative of the Bnny style on Everything, a marriage between theme and sound which Viscius used to dig deep into personal grief. A picture of loss beyond the surface sadness, indeed beyond the loss itself. For Everything was just that—the preceding love given as much attention as the subsequent mourning. An honest depiction of things which happens, the songs of an artist following their heart and gut.

This month sees Bnny return with brand new single, ‘I’m Just Fine’, a song which continues the deceptive depth of Viscius’s work. What appears to be a mundane encounter is transformed into something else. “‘I’m Just Fine’ is about the sensation of time moving slowly when you are missing someone,” Viscius explains. “It’s about attempting to deny that you are heartbroken in order to protect yourself.”

A chance meeting of two acquaintances. The usual pleasantries. ” I ran into you the other day / You asked my how I was doing / I said “I’m OK.” But while the story is told through minimal detail, there’s a whole other layer to the scene. A coded interaction, a conversation in negative space.

Seconds go by
Minutes pass
Hours, the drag
And days they last
Oh I’m just fine
I’m just fine
I’m just fine
I’m just fine

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 track=2054055162 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small]

‘I’m Just Fine’ is out via Fire Talk Records and you can get it from the Bnny Bandcamp page.