artwork for Light of Dawn by Riches

Riches – Light Of Dawn

Described as “a dialogue” between Catherine McCandless (Young Galaxy) and choreographer Wynn Holmes, Riches is a multidisciplinary project that combines music, dance and performance. “Songs are the first iteration of the project,” their bio explains, “and take a narrative approach to themes concerning the performance of creative rituals, identity, transgression and devotion.”

Following on from 2020 full-length album Fantasy Chapel, the duo teamed up with producer Dan Lissvik (Studio/Atelje) for new singles. The first, ‘Hang in Pieces’, was released back in November and adopted a nocturnal folk rock sound, uniting the thematic concerns of the Riches project with a mysterious depth.

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 track=4224443277 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small]

This month, Riches returned with their latest song. As the title suggests, ‘Light of Dawn’ is an altogether brighter track. A glowing and airy slice of pastoral folk which breathes a golden light into cyclical patterns and finds joy within repetition. The tone is set from the gentle opening, living up to the titular dawn with its warm hues and ethereal vocals that float cirrus-like in the sense of velvety negative space. The result proves enveloping. The past few years have forced many to confront the small routines of their days, challenged us to find meaning in the smallest of things. With ‘Light of Dawn’, Riches embrace the task with childlike wonder.

Rest our heads
In the meadow below
Where our love will be sunned
And weathered
Bless my eye
And reveal your glow
And I know
Oh I know
We’ll never be wrong

‘Light of Dawn’ is out now and available from the Riches Bandcamp page.