Mediocre Give In single art - two people standing next to a large stone pillar at night

Mediocre – Give In

Last month we wrote about ‘Waiting For Your Heart‘, the single by LA duo Mediocre. Released on Dangerbird Records, the track was an introduction to the Mediocre brand of indie rock meets sweet indie pop, what we described as: “A propulsive alt rock hit coloured with a wistful charm […] where classic pop heartbreak rides a bouncy rhythm, late-night longing cast not as some sad mope but rather a bursting energy. The shivering excitement of what might be.”

Latest single ‘Give In’ reins in the rhythm for a moodier sound, though loses none of the personality and feeling as a result. A song pitched further into a relationship, the nights now darker and history longer. “You said I made you happy,” goes the first verse, “And I smiled right back / My heart fell in your hands / I went ahead held all the slack.” The retro heartbreak remains, and indeed the emotions are no less passionate, but now they are coloured by more than sugary yearning.

Don’t give in, I will
I know that you don’t love me still
And all these doubts I’ll try to kill
I know that you don’t love me still

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=3555833306 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small track=1016191324]

Check out the video below, directed and edited by Keely Martin with cinematography by Ginger Port:

‘Give In’ is out now via Dangerbird Records and you can get it from the Mediocre Bandcamp page.