art for Earth Focus by Elori Saxl

Elori Saxl – Grows Along The River Slow

Exploring the interdependent relationship between the natural world and urban infrastructure, PBS documentary series Earth Focus offers viewers a look at the full breadth of the Southern Californian landscape, from the Mojave Desert to the LA River. The latest series furthers this exploration with a soundtrack by New York-based composer Elori Saxl, which is being released by Western Vinyl as an album that shares the series’ title. Arrangements which combine digitally processed recordings of natural phenomena with analogue synths, MIDI samples and woodwind by Stuart Bogie, evoking not only the interplay between geography, ecology and human development in the area, but also the emotional landscape which results.

Lead single ‘Grows Along The River Slow’ provides a suitable entrance for the listener. “This was one of the first cues I made for the series and served sort of like an unofficial theme song for the show,” as Saxl explains. “It was inspired by the languid flow of the LA river and the plants that grow within and alongside it, pushing through cracks in cement and finding ways to flourish despite the human-built landscape.” The themes are brought to life via a subtle yet striking evolution across the track, with the synths and synthetic harp and flute samples gradually shifting into real acoustic flute performed by Bogie. “I would say this track is me leaning into the psychedelic and floaty sounds of Californian music a bit beyond my comfort zone as a New Yorker,” Saxl continues, “but it felt right for the series to lean deep and create music evocative of the musical scene past and present in Southern California.”

Earth Focus is set to be released via Western Vinyl on 15th November. Pre-order it now from the Elori Saxl Bandcamp page.