a picture of Luke De-Sciscio

Luke De-Sciscio – Spinning

“A collection of songs written and recorded in snatched moments during his daughter’s first six weeks.” That’s how we described Theo, the forthcoming album by Luke De-Sciscio, in a preview back in July. A record which “offers an unusually immediate picture of new fatherhood,” as we continued, recorded live to further the instantaneous nature of the sound. Single ‘Only A Woman Knows’ demonstrated the release’s delicate power on show, locating that moment where, as we put it, “anxiety and self-doubt bubble on the surface of a new wellspring of love.”

With the release of the album fast approaching, Luke De-Sciscio has shared new track ‘Spinning’. If the previous single possessed a certain starkness, then ‘Spinning’ distils the mood into a purer form. A sparse, slow-moving track full of ache and open space. “You were / In a public bathroom / Somewhere in a mall in Manchester,” De-Sciscio sings in the opening lines. “Up North / In a stall / Barefoot / Balling your eyes out.” The scene forms the heart of the song, one not so much rooted in narrative as images. The way dire moments or bad dreams are reduced to stillness. The vocals barely break a murmur for the majority of the runtime, but echo conspicuous against the near-silence of the arrangement. Another example of De-Sciscio’s ability to conjure those feelings almost too delicate for open air.

Theo is out on the 27th September and available to pre-order now.

lp artwork for Papa by Luke De-Sciscio