weekly listening august 2024 volume 1

Weekly Listening: August 2024 #1

allie – Radio Shower

The mononymous creative moniker of songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and producer Allie Cuva, allie has served as a vehicle through which to explore personal relationships, from the study of a break-up on debut album Maybe Next Time to the perspicuous details of connection seen on 2022 single cast iron // infinite jesters. With new album Every Dog coming this September via Snack Shack Tracks and Anxiety Blanket Records, allie has shared new single ‘Radio Shower’. With its compassionate vocals and ache of longing, the track is every bit as heartfelt as anything allie has so far released, with Cuva matching a romantic present against the sense of loss always looming, as though to love is to anticipate the absence of love, and loneliness is always approaching from some distance to reclaim you under its grip.

Every Dog will be released on the 27th September via Snack Shack Tracks and Anxiety Blanket Records.


Arbes – Impasse

Anne Carson once wrote that “perfect desire is perfect impasse,” an idea Naarm/Melbourne indie pop outfit Arbes explore on ‘Impasse’, the lead single from the debut full-length Counterways, coming later this year on Third Eye Stimuli Records and Earth Libraries. “I picture this unruly character, going back and forth on an ultimatum,” lead Jess Zanoni explains of the single, “trying to toy with the emotional limits of a situation—weighing up permanence vs non-existence.” This indecisive spirit is brought to life with a sound caught between angular post-punk twitch and smooth pop grooves, and Zanoni’s vocals evoke a personality full of contradiction too. Where a certain arrogance sits alongside vulnerability, the sense of a person in competition with themselves, their two halves struggling for dominance.

Counterways will be released on the 1st November via Third Eye Stimuli Records and Earth Libraries and you can pre-order it now.


Haley Heynderickx – Seed of a Seed

Her first new music since 2018’s debut album I Need to Start a Garden, ‘Seed of a Seed’ is the new single from Portland singer-songwriter Haley Heynderickx. Again released via the good folk as Mama Bird Recording Co., it’s a direct and sincere folk song that strips back  contemporary life’s complications to get at the heart of what really matters. With a wisdom that may be intentional or incidental, what this entails to Heynderickx is not lofty or grandiose, but small and mundane. “It’s so simple, but I didn’t realize how much angst I’d woven into it,” she describes of the song. “A desire for simplicity, and how far away that felt.” What’s remarkable is how, from a few spare lines on modest hopes and dreams, emerges something of a self-portrait. As Heynderickx concludes: “It seems I accidentally pressed my story—the last four years of my life—into a tiny little tune.”

‘Seed of a Seed’ is out now via Mama Bird Recording Co. and is available via the Haley Heynderickx Bandcamp page.


Macro/micro – Balaclava

Having worked as an audio engineer for Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross for soundtracks such as Watchmen, Mank and Waves, as well as Nine Inch Nails’ Ghosts V & IV, Tommy Simpson cut his teeth among some of the best. Now recording his own music as Macro/micro, Simpson works across various fields with his dark electronic soundscapes, the latest of which being the soundtrack for Streets Loud With Echoes, a documentary by Katerina Suvorova. Made on the ground with activists amid unrest in Kazakhstan, the film follows the fallout after the murder of Olympic figure skater Denis Ten and a population’s attempt to instigate political change. Macro/micro’s score is every bit as shadowy and charged as you might expect, with single ‘Balaclava’ introducing the use of field recordings and building rhythm to bring to life the paranoia of the moment.

The Streets Loud With Echoes OST will be released later this year.


Maripool – Twist

“The ostensibly frolicsome nature of the song is undermined by a shadowy edge. Something sinister lurking just beneath the surface.” So we wrote of ‘This Time Again’ by Lisbon-born, London-based artist Natasha Simões, AKA Maripool back in 2022. Now Simões is back with a day that feels like nothing, a brand new EP which builds upon this ambiguous style. The Maripool sound blends bedroom pop emotion with a punk personality to fall between the sincerity of Frankie Cosmos and the deadpan charm of the likes of Patio. Single ‘Twist’ is a great place to dive in, its lo-fi textures ebbing and flowing as the vocals switch between yearning and embittered defiance.

a day that feels like nothing at all is out now via Smoking Room and available from Bandcamp.


Tape/Off – Paris, Texas, Queensland

With an album slated for release early in 2025, Australian rockers Tape/Off have shared brand new single ‘Paris, Texas, Queensland’ via Coolin’ By Sound. Half love letter, half furious screed, the track does for the band’s home of Meeanjin/Brisbane what Last Quokka’s Red Dirt did for Kimberley, caught between the nostalgic fondness for the familiar and a simmering anger at its many downfalls. Hence sunnies, ciggies, singlets and footy shorts worn by Alfie Langer are matched with images of gentrification and colonisation. More proof the current crop of Aussie punk rock is ahead of other countries in its willingness to confront the imperialistic violence which underpins contemporary society.

I had this dream, you see?
I was holding a lump of coal in my hand
And it exploded in a spray of dead Coral
That covered all of Queensland

Watch the video filmed by Luke Henery and edited by Branko Cosic below:

‘Paris, Texas, Queensland’ is out now via Coolin’ By Sound and available from the Tape/Off Bandcamp page.

Trace Mountains – In A Dream

“You’re in a dream,” sings Dave Benton on ‘In a Dream’, the first single from the latest Trace Mountains full-length, Into The Burning Blue, coming next month via Lame-O Records. “You’re in a dream you feel the world busting at its seams you’re coming clean but you don’t know what the fuck it means.” In an album which sees Trace Mountains explore the whole range of the colour blue, the single and opener finds Benton very much at the darker end of the spectrum. A dispatch from whatever stage of capitalism we’re calling contemporary America as delivered from a breathless nighttime bike ride. The effect is passing through a dark passage full of eerie shadow without quite knowing if there’s an exit at the other end.

Into The Burning Blue is out on the 27th September via Lame-O Records and you can pre-order it now.


Video Age x Esther Rose – Out In The Country

A reworking of the title track from their 2023 LP Away From the Castle, ‘Out In The Country’ is the new single from New Orleans duo Video Age. Except, for this song at least, Video Age are no longer a duo. Ross Farbe and Ray Micarelli are joined by alt-country singer-songwriter Esther Rose, who brings her signature vocals to a stripped-back take on the track that dials back the technicolor psych of the original in favour of something soft and swaying. The collaboration was inspired by a live performance of the song Farbe and Rose played in Nashville, a moment captured on video and shared as an added bonus with the proper studio-recorded version. Check out both below:

‘Out In The Country’ is out now via Winspear and available from the Video Age Bandcamp page.

Vince Nudo – Everyone Here Reminds Me of You

Having started out as a drummer, founding Priestess and touring and recording as part of Kurt Vile’s backing band The Violators, Vince Nudo has since turned his attention to composing, with films he’s scored having premiered at Cannes and the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF). His latest score is for Mary Heilmann: Waves, Roads & Hallucinations, Matt Creed’s intimate chronicle of the New York artist renowned for her abstract geometric forms and use of colour. Nudo’s ambient soundtrack is suitably lush and fluid, drawing on Heilmann’s minimalist sensibilities and overarching playfulness to create something which matches her daydream ethos of creativity.

Mary Heilmann: Waves, Roads & Hallucinations (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) is out now and available from Bandcamp.