black and white photo portrait of Bristol band Langkamer

Langkamer – Richard E Grant

After releasing two records in the last couple of years, Bristol‘s Langkamer return in September with Langzamer, a new full-length album on Breakfast Records. The record promises to see the quartet further refine their marriage of slacker-style indie rock and twangy alt-country, but at a slower, more considered pace. Billed as a “sincere meditation on grief and loss,” Langzamer sees Langkamer dial up the emotional weight, opting for heart-on-sleeve confessional songwriting in place of their usual easygoing breeziness, resulting in what the label call their “most restrained, matured and sincere collection to date.”

Our first taste of the record is lead single ‘Richard E Grant’, a song that’s light on its feet but possesses surprising depth. Guitar and bass duck and weave between vibrant percussion and uplifting flourishes of synths, all leading towards a terrifically catchy chorus. But there’s a darker, uncertain edge too. Like much of the record, this is ultimately about the loss of loved ones. “This is a song about grief, in the short term and the long term,” describes lead singer and drummer Josh Jarman. “It’s about finding healthy coping strategies to deal with loss.”

Richard E Grant tickets
and dinner for two
Finding a feeling
like a fever in your funeral suit

Watch the video by JJ Jarman and AJ Stark below:

Langzamer is due for release via Breakfast Records on 14th September. Pre-order a copy now from the Langkamer Bandcamp page.