picture of the band Hearsing

Hearsing – Silicon Prairie

Pastoral sees Hearsing push beyond personal experience into a more allegorical and creative style of lyricism, and it is fitting the sound comes to feel like an environment you might step inside.” That’s what we wrote when previewing the forthcoming EP of multi-instrumentalists Avery Murphy and Jordan Taylor, with single ‘Montauk’ offering a taste of the expansive, nostalgic style Hearsing have made their own.

Pastoral is set to be released later this month, and now Hearsing have returned with new single ‘Silicon Prairie’. Engineered and mixed by Henry Chadwick and featuring drums and production by Ellington Peet (Runnner, Babehoven), the song offers another rich and emotionally resonant sound which balances competing forces of fondness and longing. A mood conjured by the surroundings which inspired the track, namely a road trip leading through the expanse of the West Texas desert.

“I wrote ‘Silicon Prairie’ at the tail end of a road trip across the country and back,” the band explain. “After meandering from New England down through Appalachia and into the south, I made it to the mountain ranges of west Texas. This being my first exposure to the vastness of the desert, I felt drawn to fiction and realities set in these places. The song incorporates themes of longing and desperation I felt in my own life at the time that found a home in anecdotes of the desert and its characters experiencing these feelings for reasons far removed from my reality.”

Cactus calls, the fall rains fall
The Davis mountains freeze it all
You reach the top
But you never catch your breath
If it rains again, maybe then
I’d keep hoping we could stay friends
But last year the yard stayed dry
Until December

Pastoral is out on the 21st June.

picture of the band Hearsing