a picture of the band Sweetbreads

Sweetbreads – The Fog

We’ve written about several songs from Brooklyn’s Sweetbreads in recent months. Led by Melody Stolpp in collaboration with Nick Watt, the project melds pop and country sensibilities into something brightly emotive, while Stolpp’s lyricism offers narrative depth. Take ‘Out of Range‘, a single from an EP of the same name we described last September as “the perfect antidote to the breakneck bluster of the world we call home,” which followed its protagonist June on her “quest to resist the thankless treadmill of modern living, opting for an unproductive and entirely more positive way of life.”

This May saw the release of ‘Chaos Is‘, the first single from a forthcoming EP which offered a different view. Conjuring the heady mix of boredom and recklessness unique to adolescence, the song ultimately managed to “recreate some of the heightened magic of those formative years.” The second single from the new Sweetbreads release, ‘The Fog’ is an upbeat bop dedicated to another aspect of young life. “The fog is hanging around my head / wear a smile but it is just pretend,” Stolpp sings, “at the party acting like a ghost / I don’t say a word.” But as our narrator drifts above the gathered crowd, they follow an introspective line of questioning that doubles up as a cathartic unloading.

Been searching for a sign
that says that I’m alright
Fumbling in the darkness
for a source of light
I wanna know if life gets easier with time

‘The Fog’ is out now. Those of you in Brooklyn can grab tickets to the Sweetbreads EP release show on the 11th July at The Sultan Room, with support from Maya Lucia and Blue Yonder.