Artwork for Alone with the Sound the Mind Makes by koleżanka

koleżanka – Alone with the Sound the Mind Makes

Alone with the Sound the Mind Makes, the second album from koleżanka (AKA Phoenix-born, Brooklyn-based artist Kristina Moore) on Bar/None Records, is a release which lives up to its title. The first koleżanka album place is detailed a life constantly on the move, “songs about the anti-place, a state of being understood by truckers, deckhands, flight attendants, and touring musicians,” as the liner notes described it, written after Moore left her native Phoenix to tour as part of a variety of bands including Triathlon and Foyer Red. But then the pandemic hit and with it the obligatory retreat indoors, leaving koleżanka the opportunity to examine the polar opposite—the experience of complete stasis.

Only, the result might prove surprising. Because though physically confined in time and space, Moore found her mind departing elsewhere. As though only in quiet can memories blossom into their true richness. “Its 1995, before the roads were paved,” she sings in opener ‘Koszmary’, harking back to a childhood in Phoenix, “the dust storms in July testing our tiny legs / laughing at the danger then / watch our bodies disappear.” The song also introduces the album’s distinctive sound, where ethereal and idiosyncratic details coalesce into a kind of carnivalesque playfulness.

The record returns to Arizona in the way of a dreaming mind, a repeated image bubbling to the surface. Take ‘Canals of Our City’, a dispatch from the life of a teenage crust punk which describes a youth spent in the canals of Phoenix with something like fondness. But then the second half moves on to the murder of a boyfriend’s cousin and the fracturing impact of such violence. “You got the call that he was gone / murder in the first degree,” Moore sings as though suddenly back there again, “disappeared for days without a phone, without a warning / cruel are all the ways this world will give you life, unravelling.”

But of course the mind is far from a one channel package, and stillness lets in all sorts of broadcasts. Tracks like ‘Mania’ offer a view into the less welcome visitors, while ‘Slapstick’ dwells on the uncertainty of past social encounters. The theme is continued in ‘Goliath’, a spacious, woozy track where vacuous “pleasantries at a function” descend into the search for an exit, and the yearning for solitude overtakes everything.

its ok that you wanted to
fall back into that thing you do
it’s ok that you want to go
to a place you can be alone

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=2182974985 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small track=2060106667]

What emerges is delicate line between peace and unease, a sensation which fades against the wider tragedy of the pandemic yet resonates deeply all the same. For life’s relentless motion eased for some, and new ways of living began to suggest themselves. “Wander to the window / a patch of sun to see / softening the first snow / softening in me,” as Moore sings on ‘Saddle Up, Cowboy’, as though the slow movements of those days brought physical changes. But then songs like ‘Cheers!’ reveal the anxiety that follows into the quiet too, and of course there were all the good times to mourn.

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=2182974985 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small track=2021459874]

It is the stripped back ‘A Body’ which reflects on this experience most fully, probing into the strangeness of living as both a physical object and mental state. If Alone with the Sound the Mind Makes discovers anything from its time in isolation, it’s that the wheels of consciousness keep turning, both a blessing and a curse. “Where does the mind go when a body’s finished?” asks the final line, as though having experienced the kaleidoscopic potential of thought and memory. It seems suddenly impossible that something something so vivid and powerful can merely cease to be.

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=2182974985 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small track=2213218163]

Alone with the Sound the Mind Makes is out now via Bar/None Records and you can get it from the koleżanka Bandcamp page.