art for Inbetween by Worthitpurchase

Worthitpurchase – Inbetween

Back in August 2020, we wrote about Dizzy Age by Worthitpurchase, the recording project of LA-based duo Nicole Rowe and Omar Akrouche. The album “present[ed] an oddly immersive sound,” we wrote, its experimental art pop style sound “like a dream set in a familiar place, where the sense of recognition drains away as the contours you thought you knew bend and blur.” The vibe extended to the themes of the release too, which saw present anxiety collide with a longing for the past, not to mention the unease surrounding an uncertain future, marking Worthitpurchase as a compelling and timely addition to the scene.

This month saw Worthitpurchase return with a brand new single on Anxiety Blanket Records, one which develops this style and shows a new dimension to the band too. Because ‘Inbetween’ is a deceptively simple song, one anchored by acoustic guitar to lend a stripped back intimacy as Rowe explores the worries and expectations of contemporary life. But the song develops into something richer as it progresses, a warmth which allows a certain comfort to emerge, and with it the conviction that things might turn out alright in the end.

I see no face in the mirror, then it reappears
Exterior is a hueless ghost and I’m the host
I’ll get there soon, I’ll be like you
I’ll get there soon, I’ll be like you

Inbetween / Themanwhofelltoearth is out now via Anxiety Blanket Records and is available from the Worthitpurchase Bandcamp page.