Yikes unveil ‘Double Bacon Cheese’ from spilt with Naps

Back in March we spoke to Florida bands Naps and Yikes ahead of the release of The Most Beautiful Place on Earth / Commercial Music, their joint cassette on Viridian Sounds and It Takes Time Records. There was a slight delay in the process but the wheels were quickly back in motion, allowing the split to be released today!

Last week saw the unveiling of the first single from Yikes’ side of the deal, Commercial Music. ‘Double Bacon Cheese’ is a slow-burning slacker rock track which starts out almost tender but accelerates into something riotous and loud. The vocals are similarly split, the strange, inhuman imagery delivered in delicate, human tones. We’re sharing the lyrics in their entirety because… I mean, look at them.

“I saw an angel
eating a speciality pile
of salted meat
the grease ran down her body
to make the circle complete
it was everything
that I was told that I wanted
but the meat machine
to me always seemed haunted
when its everything that you want
but you don’t want it
you had Sega Genesis
but you come home
and your dad had pawned it
oh don’t you want it?
oh don’t you want it?
I want it bad”

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You can buy the cassette now from It Takes Time Records or Viridian Sounds, or grab the singles from the digital imprint, Lavender Sounds.