Introducing Hoshifo

Way back in 2012 we featured Vancouver-based band SNOWBEAST, finding their eclectic blend of styles very interesting indeed:

“Their EP, ▲ S N O W B E A S T ▲, is swirling concoction of musical styles that is hard to pin down. There are relaxed surf rock baselines (‘Backyards and Alleyways’), Vampire Weekend-esque African influences (‘No One Wants to Live in the Ghetto’), electronic beats and fuzzy repetitive choruses (‘A Howl Like a Wolf’) and in-your-face shouty bits (‘Snowbeast’ and ‘Somewhere, Ontario’)”

Well the band aren’t back but we might well have the next best thing. The new project of SNOWBEAST frontman Riun Garner, Hoshifo have extracted the tropical vibes from the SNOWBEAST carcass and expanded upon them to make shimmering pop single ‘I’m Not There’. The song toes the line between blissed-out haze of summer days and the sentimental melancholy of summer nights, sounding like Dexter Tortoriello’s vacation jams. Have a listen below:

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There’s not much in terms of information about Hoshifo, but be sure to ‘like’ their Facebook page to ensure you don’t miss a thing.