Mix Tape Radio is back!

Jeremy over at HI54LOFI had been running an online radio station which was jam-packed with good music, 24 hours a day. Unfortunately, the cruel internet overlords decided that it didn’t get enough listeners was just too cool and decided to shut it down. Luckily for us, Jeremy is a plucky guy, and wasn’t about to lie down without a fight. It was therefore a great pleasure to receive a newsletter from him last week announcing that Mix Tape Radio has risen from the ashes and is back to doing what it does best – lending a reliably top-quality soundtrack to the lonely and barren wasteland that is the internet.

So what are you waiting for? Run along and tune in to Mix Tape Radio. Tell your friends too – it will make them love you even more.

P.S. Did you see the mixtape we put together with Jeremy a couple of years back?