Nathan K. – Most Birthdays

We first covered Nathan K. after a very nice reader got in touch suggesting we listen to his album Dishes, an album recorded during Nathan’s time at the hospital with his dying grandfather. As you can tell from the write up, we were big fans.

‘Most Birthdays’ is the first song off of a forthcoming album, and was written during a time when Nathan was helping his mother move out of her home, his childhood home. As you can imagine, many memories were unearthed during this process, and these certainly inform the song.

‘Most birthdays don’t quite feel the same
as they once did when i lived at that place
but I can sleep all the way through the night
without waking up to hear my parents fight
and I’ll take that tonight’

The song is available to download on Bandcamp, but there is no definite date for the album as of yet. You can get his previous album Dishes on Bandcamp on a pay-what-you-can basis.