The Flying Blackbyrds – No. 0

A bit late to this one but Calgary’s favourite folkster Mike Tod has put aside his solo twang to form part of a 60s-tinged rock band, The Flying Blackbyrds.

The songs have that mix of casual and and growly vocals that bring to mind scenes of parading egos in enclosed and sweaty spaces. The opening track ‘When I Found You’ is the connection between Mike Tod’s solo stuff and the garage band sound before the tempo gradually increases across the release. ‘Break a Ghost Part 2’ is a slow sneering challenge, the prelude to the bar brawl in ‘Part 3’, the same song as Part 2 but sped up to have a swaggering sloppiness, a frantic but loose urgency that doesn’t adhere to any sort of sense outside of whiskey and hot smoky rooms.

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=3483576796 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small track=1347359196]

We have written about Mike Tod a few times (here and here) and he featured on HI54LOFI’s side of our Canada Day mixtape. If you are as big a fan of him as we are, I’m sure you will enjoy No. 0.

Grab it over at The Flying Blackbyrds Bandcamp page for a price of your choice.