Titus Andronicus LLC Mixtape Vol 1.

Titus Andronicus have released a mixtape which contains some new material, some covers and some live/alternative versions of old favourites. In anticipation of LP3, ‘Upon Viewing Oregon’s Landscape with the Flood of Detritus’ is included on the mix (with backing from the So So Glows). If the third album is anything like the first two (i.e. rewards repeated listens – I still find different bits of The Monitor jump out at me each time despite listening to it countless times) then it will be special. Hopefully Patrick Stickles and Co. continue to make punk rock to air their views and beliefs for a good while yet.

The covers include Weezer, Thin Lizzy, Velvet Underground, The Replacements, Spider Bags, Television Personalities, Cock Sparrer, Bobby Fueller and the Hot Pockets theme – an interesting lineup I’m sure you will agree. The alt. versions are also well worth a listen. The drop in pace for ‘My Time Outside the Womb’ suits it very well, showing that Titus could easily take up making different sounds should they ever want to. The Real Estate-esque slowed down rock is an interesting take on a traditionally high-tempo song.

P.S. This version of the mixtape was uploaded by a Twitter user called @danielguntrip who added all the correct song titles, tags and that sort of thing. The artwork was by another Twitter user, @noahremainsanon. Follow them, they must be decent guys to make the effort.