Graham Wright

I don’t know what it is about Canada but I’ve always held some sort of romantic view of the place, despite never having set foot in the country. I’m sure the long line of musicians hailing from there has something to do with it. It’s time to add another next to the likes of Leonard Cohen, Jim Bryson, John K. Samson and Dan Mangan…

Graham Wright, the keyboard player from Tokyo Police Club, has been working on solo stuff for a number of years. 2008’s ‘The Lakes of Alberta’ is a masterful piece of songwriting, one of my favourite ever EPs (if people have such things) and definitely one of the best things kindly given away free on Bandcamp (D/L links available below). The age old story of spurned love, hotel rooms and second chances may sound trite but Graham pulls it off with apparent ease, creating beautiful folk songs that tell a story that seems to have been in development for years before you put your headphones on.

Graham Wright’s debut album, ’Shirts Vs Skins‘ is due to be released on June 28th. You can listen to 3 of the songs from it on his Facebook page. It seems like a departure from his sound on ‘The Lakes of Alberta’ but very promising nonetheless!

Shirts Vs Skins – Coming June 28th!